Meeting with schools organised by STEM faculties at University of Bari. Uniba team presented how to design and develop Serious game and disseminated the OSCAR coding camp
First results of OSCAR taught to school teachers during a course on technology and inclusion. The course was conducted by Ilenia Fronza from UNIBZ in January 2025.
Oscar project has been presented at the AVRE – The event organized by AVRE Asociacion Valenciana de Realidad Extendida
In Spain, the ERN event took place on 27 September 2024 in different cities. Throughout the afternoon, at the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló students and citizens were able to enjoy scientific demonstrations, talks by women researchers, collaborative games, etc. The OSCAR project was presented from 5p.m to 7p.m in the demonstrators’ room of the Espaitec II building of the Universitat Jaume I where the advantages of virtual reality applied to education were shown.
SHARPER is one of the projects supported by the European Commission during the European Researchers’ Night in 2024/2025 and aims to involve all citizens in discovering the profession and the role in society of the researcher. The event took place on 27 September 2024 and 26 September 2025. In Bari, OSCAR project was presented at the ‘Artificial Intelligence and Serious Game’ stand in Piazza Umberto I, on 27 September, from 10 am to 10 pm. OSCAR project and activities (coding camps) were presented to all students, teachers and citizens during the ERN event. The Rollup and the leaflet were used to invite them to follow our social and to keep them informed about the organization of coding camps.
First results of OSCAR taught during a vocational teacher training course to 36 high school CS teachers. The course was taught by Veronica Rossano, Enrichetta Gentile and Paola Plantamura from UNIBA
82 high school students and 4 teachers have been informed about OSCAR and its activities during the GameDev 2024 coding camp
ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-FORWARD Project number: 101132432
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