Project number: 101132432



Aim: to provide recommendations and implementation guidelines for organizing online/hybrid coding camps

Main feature:

Holistic Approach

The Handbook

The handbook will be structured according to the ADDIE model, an instructional design model for e-learning activities, which consists of five phases:

  1. Analysis: to identify the problems, objectives, environment, and previous learner’s skills. Outcome: an analysis of training needs and plan of the coding camp.
  2. Design: to design a planned approach to address the learning challenges. Outcome: holistic overview of the coding camp design.
  3. Development: to build and assemble the designed content assets. Outcome: course content and material.
  4. Implementation: to transform the plan into action. Outcome: Detailed timeline with instructions.
  5. Evaluation: to check if the objectives are achieved by the instructional design and didactic content. Outcome: guide to evaluate the effectiveness of the coding camps and actionable changes for the future editions.
Chapters of the Handbook

The analysis phase chapter provides an overview of the coding camp objectives, target groups, and learning objectives. In the subsequent chapters of the handbook, the reader will receive guidance on how to organize the coding camp based on the results of the OSCAR project. 

This chapter of the handbook provides a holistic overview of course design following the ADDIE framework, showcasing how the platform can be used to achieve the desired outcome.  



This chapter of the handbook serves as a comprehensive guide for the reader while the coding camp is live. To this end, it will provide the reader with a detailed timeline of the coding camp and its preparation phase. This includes a step-by-step guide on what specific teaching and monitoring tools (described in the “Development” chapter) to use at each stage of the camp. The chapter will highlight the possibility of using the OSCAR platform as support, where relevant. 

This chapter provides a comprehensive description of the materials that have been planned during the design phase. It delves into the specifics of what will be covered in the course and the resources that will be used to facilitate learning..

This chapter of the handbook is dedicated to the phase immediately following the coding camp’s conclusion. The data collection and analysis process are crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of the coding camp and adopted strategies (e.g., different configurations of hybrid work of teams) to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. Therefore, this chapter will guide the reader through the analysis of the data collected from the monitoring activities performed during the coding campTo ensure that non-conventional learning experiences are increasingly integrated with the traditional curriculum, this chapter suggests ideas for follow-up projects that can occur in collaboration with the schools attended by the participants.


Different versions of the Handbook will be released after each Coding Camp

JAN 26
NOV 26
SEP 27